Category Archives for Uncategorized

The First Bullies: How Parents Influence Bullying in Children

We often overlook the profound influence that family dynamics have on a child’s behavior. Bullying, a pervasive problem in schools and communities, frequently originates from patterns established in the home. Parents, often unknowingly, can become…
It takes a community to raise a child

It takes a community to raise a child

Effective parenting is without doubt, one of the hardest jobs, if not the hardest job, that God has given us as fathers and mothers. Although the Holy scripture tells us that children are a blessing…
Keeping your children safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

Keeping your children safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

How do you ensure the total safety of a five-year old boy living with his family in a ‘face-me I face you’ apartment (as it is commonly called here in Nigeria) in these trying times? …
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day 2020

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day 2020

It’s about nine years since the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21st of every year as World Syndrome Day, with effect from 2012, and invites all Member States, relevant organisations of the United Nations…
International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachForEqual

International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachForEqual

Indeed, celebrating women’s achievements and increasing visibility, while calling out inequality, is key to forging a gender equal world. This is one reason why March 8 of every year has been chosen as a date…